Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England Training Courses

1 Day Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Champion Online / In Person

Gain the knowledge and skills to become a Mental Health First Aid Champion

This one-day mental health awareness course equips you with the skills and knowledge to become a Mental Health First Aid Champion.

You will gain an understanding of common mental health issues and the confidence to advocate for mental health awareness at work.  Attendees learn about:

  • common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety

  • mental health and stress in the workplace

  • stigma and discrimination

  • early warning signs of mental ill-health

  • alcohol, drugs and mental health

Everyone who completes the course gets:

  • a manual and workbook to refer to whenever you need it

  • a certificate of attendance to say you are a Mental Health First Aid Champion

  • a ‘Line Managers’ Resource’ to help you support employees experiencing mental ill-health

Session details:

  • duration: 1 day

  • participants: 16 max

  • format: a mix of group activities, presentations and discussion.

  • trainer: accredited Mental Health First Aid England Instructor

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1 Day
(online or in-person)


£200 per person /
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Every 3 years

A safe environment

“The trainer created a really safe environment to discuss a difficult subject. Esther is very knowledgeable and reassuring. It’s a great course and inspires empathy and confidence…”​